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Pioneer Drive Units LAKE TEKAPO

Pioneer Drive Units

These 2 small residential houses were designed with smart living and a clean modern look and feel in mind.
The house concepts lead a long almost single room depth house design for both units with a common main layout that became adaptable to suit both 1 bedroom and 3 bedrooms. Steep rooflines to give the small design presence and Vertical Cedar and Colorsteel to give the feel of height.
The idea was to create a central living space with one door connection to all rooms allowing the saving of space and making it easier to adapt for the both the 1 and 3 bedroom designs and the use of bespoke furniture also helped create areas with propose.
The inclusion of a large external deck, over height openings, over height ceilings, vertical claddings have and steep roofline with no overhang have really topped off the design giving this clever small house a modern spacious feel.


Lake Tekapo
